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Charis Classical Academy

Welcome to Charis Classical Academy


(care-iss) | That which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness, GRACE of speech

Tours begin in October

Check back for signups

Applications will open in February

We would love for you and your student(s) to join the Charis Classical Academy family.

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A Classical Education

An excellent classical education is rooted in the traditions and principles of classical education, which draws inspiration from the educational practices of ancient Greece and Rome. The aim is to cultivate a well-rounded and intellectually rigorous foundation.  Beyond academic knowledge, classical education places a significant emphasis on character formation. The goal is to develop individuals with a strong moral compass, resilience, and a sense of purpose. 

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Who We Are

Charis Classical Academy integrates Christian beliefs, values, and teachings into all of our academic curriculum and overall environment. We prioritize the development of students' spiritual growth alongside their intellectual, social, and physical development. The Bible is incorporated into various subjects, connecting academic learning with biblical principles. This integration is meant to provide a holistic understanding of the world from a Christian perspective. Our statement of faith outlines CCA's core beliefs and doctrines and serves as a foundation for the school's educational philosophy and practices.

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A Unique Approach

By partnering with parents, we seek to provide students with an academically-excellent education that combines the beauty of homeschooling with the structure and order of a traditional Christian classroom.  Our desire is that the biblical worldview that permeates our courses, along with our training in character and virtue will reinforce the discipleship already occurring in the homes and local churches of our families.  Being in the classroom with teachers 2-3 days a week relieves some of the stress on parents to formulate and execute an academic plan, both for the year and week to week, allowing them freedom to enjoy their educational time at home with their children.  We also hope to connect families to one another, forming a community of like-minded parents and students dedicated to a classical, Christian education that honors and glorifies God.

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Please pardon our mess as we are still building our new website!